
Wake Up to the Magic of You With the Enneagram

The Enneagram is a timeless tool for self-discovery, personal growth, and transformation. Comprising nine distinct personality types, it illuminates our core motivations, values, and fears. Each personality type, or number, offers a unique perspective or lens through which we view the world.

In this virtual introductory workshop, we invite you to explore the Enneagram's origins and rich history. You'll delve into the defining characteristics of each number and uncover how this knowledge can enrich both your personal and professional life. Embark on the journey of self-discovery as you begin to determine your own Enneagram type.

Participants receive a 20% discount on the Integrative 9 Enneagram Assessment and a complimentary 30-minute debrief session.

Enhancing Communication With the Enneagram

Understanding your own and others’ Enneagram personality types offers an opportunity to widen your lens, gain perspective, and discover ways to communicate more effectively.  Recognizing your own communication style and the preferences of others can help you tailor your approach for better results.  This workshop applies Enneagram insights to communication, so participants can explore the typical triggers for each personality type and develop strategies for identifying and better managing them to enhance communication.

Pre-Requisite: Completion of Introduction to the Enneagram is required before taking this workshop.

Problem-Solving & Creativity Styles for Success

Have you ever been frustrated with how someone else approaches a problem?  Wondered why others solve problems differently than you would?  Have you noticed how there are some people who more easily find solutions outside of the box while others tend to be more adept at developing options that fall inside the box?  The Kirton Adaption-Innovation (KAI) Inventory offers an opportunity to gain perspective on your own and others’ problem-solving style and use of creativity.  This workshop enhances your understanding of cognitive style (your own and others’) and how it impacts team dynamics to create a foundation from which you can experience increased group effectiveness and cohesion.

 Prior to the workshop individuals will complete the KAI online assessment and receive an individual debriefing of results along with their report.  

Practical Tactics for Finding Calm When You’re Freaking Out

Most of us are familiar with strategies for managing stress such as mindfulness, exercise, and meditation; but you can’t always take a time-out for a walk or a sound bath when you find yourself in the middle of a stressful situation. You need go-to techniques for finding calm that are simple, easy to remember, and can be done without having to leave the room! In this workshop, you’ll learn practical strategies to defuse feelings of stress and anxiety and create a greater sense of ease and well-being in almost any situation.

Stress Reset: Increase Motivation & Resilience

Reset your perspective of stress! Instead of viewing stress as negative, this workshop explores the positive side of stress, especially how its energy can be harnessed to improve performance, facilitate growth, and cultivate well-being. You’ll gain an understanding of the physiological and psychological components of the stress response and awareness of how stress impacts your behavior and performance.   You’ll also learn practices to shift from a threat response to stress to a more positive challenge response, which is associated with improved focus and motivation.

Self-Hypnosis for Positive Change

Practicing self-hypnosis can help you make positive change in your life. In this experiential workshop, you will establish a hypnotic foundation from which you can practice self-hypnosis to shift your mindset and adopt new habits. You’ll learn how to craft hypnotic suggestions specific to your needs and then integrate them into your self-hypnosis practice. At the end of this workshop, you will be equipped with two easy self-hypnosis methods designed to create the change you want in your life.

Disconnect from Tech to Re-Connect with Life

Have you ever experienced anxiety if your phone isn’t in your hand or easily accessible? Do you feel a vague sense of unease when you can’t regularly check in on social media? Are you constantly checking news apps or websites just to see what’s happening? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you might want to consider trying a digital detox so you can disconnect from the digital tech that isn’t adding true value to your life and reconnect with what brings you joy in the real world. The Digital Detox workshop isn’t about eliminating technology, it’s about re-setting and creating a healthier balance between online life and real life. In this workshop, you will establish healthy boundaries around your digital tech usage, figure out what real-world experiences you want to bring into your life and create space for reflection with solitude.

Visualize Your Inner Power with Collage

So often we focus more on the external image we see in the mirror instead of appreciating the beauty and power that is our inner self. Creativity acts as a conduit for reconnecting with us with our most authentic selves. In this workshop, collage is the medium through which you will recognize and visualize your inner gorgeousness; creating a self-portrait of your inner power. You will leave with a newfound appreciation of your whole self and a powerful visual reminder of all that you are.